The Pittsburgh Bankruptcy Attorney understands just how stressful and overwhelming being in debt can be. In addition to trying to find a way to pay back your creditors, you probably are being called non-stop about your accounts.
Creditors are allowed to contact debtors about their accounts, but they are certainly not allowed to cause you or your family any emotional harm. If you are suffering from debt collection harassment, please contact us here at the law office of the Pittsburgh Bankruptcy Attorney to hear how we can help you stop this harassment as well as get your finances back on track.
It is illegal for creditors to harass you about your debt, no matter how much you owe. A good attorney can stop the calls, the threats of legal action, and any misrepresentations of your doubt soon after being appointed.
There are many options for those individuals, businesses, or families that need help with debt relief. The Pittsburgh Bankruptcy Attorney can negotiate with your creditors to lower your interest rate, discharge some of your debt and establish an affordable repayment plan. Or office also offers additional services such as bankruptcy, credit counseling, credit card debt relief, and much more.
The Pittsburgh Bankruptcy Attorney is experienced and knowledgeable about more than just the bankruptcy code, but how to repair your credit and get your finances back in order. Contact us today for a free initial consultation with the Pittsburgh Bankruptcy Attorney.